Monday, March 1, 2010

The lifting of the Iron Curtain, Russian River ...

Thousands of miles inland peaceful cross Russia as a great, vast network of capillaries - but more than half a century, very few foreigners had the pleasure of sailing them.

As a foreigner, so if you want your paddle as a Russian River diving, then you must make a three-month application process and receive approval of a network of government agencies including the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Defence.

However, this can all change.

According to Oscar Konyukhov, CEO of Russian Sailing Federation (VFPS), the government on new proposals to open up the interior rivers of Russia for foreign tourists.

"The existing legislation since the Iron Curtain," said Konyukhov. "But I think now everyone agrees, there is little risk to national security, making a boat full of sailors to cross border for a vacation trip."

Konyukhov hopes that the new legislation, which he says will be through the summer, access to the waterways of Russia to be as easy as driving a car over the border with Germany.

Konyukhov believes that the nation's huge network of rivers, lakes and tributaries seasoned yacht owners will withdraw from continuing destinations like the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and its nearest rival, Russia, the Baltic Sea.

There is an "ultimate beauty" of the pristine wilderness of the Russian roads, he says, adding: "How many places can you travel to where you are not a person for hundreds of miles" says Konyukhov see snow polished Russian waterways like most with those of Canada, which is a popular boating destination - especially between the Scandinavian and Japan.

"Remember that you can sail to St. Petersburg and travel all the way to Moscow by boat, enjoy the many historic buildings along the route."

The ultimate vision, he says, is that his country "soon to attract families and adventurers from around the world looking for a real exploration in relatively uncharted waters."

But Karl Richardson, editor of Motor Boat and Yachting magazine, is exactly what the mysterious and the lack of infrastructure could be a major shift for many potential visitors.

"A comparison of Canada is well placed. - Both countries are huge and often daunting inhospitably cold, but the main difference is that Canada is a large and complex marine infrastructure," he said.

Richardson says that as Russia is a coordinated framework for boating facilities development, training will be difficult for all but the most intrepid sailors.

Konyukhov claims that so far the only reason that the Russian rivers do not have investments due to a lack of domestic popular culture sailing received.

"Most of the people with boats are the super-rich super-yachts," he explained. "I just tend to sit in Moscow or St Petersburg port and if they go anywhere that has a beautiful marina in Europe."

The CEO of the Russian Sailing Federation argues that once the new legislation, a huge amount of capital will be available, as investors realize the potential of attracting wealthy foreign tourists in the waters of Russia.

But the infrastructure is not the only issue to be addressed. Richardson believes that the liberalization of the Russian waterways should also be accompanied by a general shift in cultural attitudes.

"I have a friend that one of the very few who have managed to ship in Russia and - although he said it was absolutely spectacular - he was constantly stopped by police district and ultimately delayed the docks for three weeks before to to leave. "

However, these problems aside, the draft proposals represent a very exciting opportunity, Richardson said.

. "Do not get me wrong, this would be great Canal and river holidays are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, especially in places like England and France - where there are huge waiting lists for rent river boats, and can be very expensive," he said .

"Russia is a beautiful and varied landscape, so we could certainly find a potential market as a cheap and unusual alternative to what looks like a very healthy industry,"

British sailor and adventurer Steve White could not agree more. "I happened to look at the rivers of Russia in Google Earth the other day. I was thinking how nice and quiet to be there," said the 37-year-old who this year plans to single-handedly sail around the world by sailboat.

"But I'd like to go. And who thinks they may be too cold will have to go and get another hobby.

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